Monday, January 26, 2009

Project Managers, Estimators and skilled Drafters in high demand!

The steady demand for the need of commercial Project Managers, Estimators and skilled Drafters has increased tremendously over recent weeks. I have several opportunities across the country for these positions right now. If you are an experienced PM, Estimator, Drafter, etc. please send us your updated resume and we will call you to discuss current opportunities we are recruiting for in further detail! The residential side seems to remains bit stagnant right now...yet, there are a handful of really great companies still hiring! I am keeping an eye out for all of you in my network in case a potential fit arises. As always, please keep me updated on any changes at your end as well as letting me know if there are opprotunities you come across that you want me to call and represent you for prior to sending your resume into a company. Thanks!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! And...Wow! Seems like ages since I have posted anything here! Sorry for my seems the holidays easily took over! Thanks to those of you who have continued to email to check in and also send me your updated resumes. It has been a pretty frustrating past several months with lots of discouraging news in our industry and a struggle for many! The bright spot is that so many of you sound so optimistic and hopeful for a better start to 2009 - hiring authorities and candidates included! I love to hear that and we all know how good news travels truly feel it is only a matter of time that things will turn around and we'll see an increase of jobs to get so many of you back to work in fantastic careers! I have refrained and will continue to do so from posting any of the multitude of negative news regarding economy and our industry in particular here, as I too am optimistic and incredibly excited about the start of the new year ahead. Many of the companies I work with and communicate with had stellar years in 2008. I am hearing from many companies that they have no plans on hiring now, but do anticipating doing so more towards the tail end of first quarter/beginning of second quarter. Please continue to keep me posted on your job searches! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and wishing you a successful and happy 2009! : )