Tuesday, May 1, 2007

How To Resign From Your Current Job

It sounds easier than it is...you find yourself with a great employment offer for a new company that really excites you....and resigning from your current job seems like it will be a piece of cake. Not necessarily! I have heard many stories from candidates who I have placed that were amazed at just how difficult it was to face their current boss and even peers and give their resignation. It is continually amazing to me the tactics that current employers will use to try and keep an employee on board when they hand in their resignation. Here are some tips to help you through the process:

How To Resign
A sample resignation letter is shown below. Once you have accepted a new position, consider the following:

  • Do Not Delay - give you notice on the day you make your decision.
  • Keep it Professional - focus on your new opportunity.
  • Keep Your Distance - they do not have a right to know where you are going.
  • Write it Down - hand your boss a resignation letter before talking.
  • Request Confidentiality - inform only those that need to know.
  • Don't Listen to Counteroffers - they for the benefit of employers, not employees.

    Sample Resignation Letter:
    Dear Immediate Supervisor,
    Please accept this letter as my formal resignation as (Your Current Title) from (Your Present Employer). I have accepted another career opportunity.

    I, as well as my family, believe my new position will offer increased challenges, opportunity and financial rewards.

    I want to take this opportunity to thank you and all my other acquaintances at (Present Employer) for your support in the past and trust that my association has been meaningful.

    This has not been an easy decision, or one based on short-term thinking, and therefore I am not open for a counter offer.

    I leave (Present Employer) with wonderful memories; but renewed enthusiasm and excitement for the future.
