Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Take the Right Job/Wrong Job Quiz!

A good friend of mine recently emailed me a link to a career assessment quiz. He swore to me his results were dead on. I pretty much laughed at him, as I have throughout my own career taken a myriad of these things…some simple and also some mirroring mini SAT tests. While I am not a big fan of tests of any kind, I went ahead and took the quiz. The online quiz itself was quick and painless, almost generic in nature which led me to think there was no way I would get back anything accurate or of worth. However, the results did in fact yield a few things that I thought were worthy of sharing.

As simple as this quiz was, it managed to peg me pretty perfectly with my results and also give me some good food for thought. The bonus and fun part of the results were by far the detail they give you back. The test provides your career personality type (i.e., I am a “strategic/creative”). It also elaborates to give you tips on how to improve your current work situation and some good, probing questions to ask yourself to better determine if you are in the right job. While these kinds of quizzes aren’t always 100% accurate, and aren’t necessarily rocket science, this one I felt provided some worthy feedback, so thought I’d share it with you all. I am also doing so as I promised that I would publicly admit to my friend that this fun little quiz had some worth after I laughed at his urging for me to have taken it! (Thank you and sorry JT!).

Probably worth mentioning is that I was all the more surprised to get any useful info from the site link that is entitled tickle.com…as this is the kind of site that will also provide you with silly tests to let you now what kind of superhero or cartoon character you would be, etc. : )

***Before you take the test, note that the site will require that you set up a free account (enter your name and email), right after completing the test, hit "skip all offers", then you will see a brief overview of your results. They will email you the detailed report which is free, yet when you click on the link in your email to get your results they are of course trying to sell you this report. In small letters at lower right of screen…you can click "get my free report" at the bottom of the page, then hit "skip offer" on the next 2 pages to truly get the report/results free. Quick and simple, I promise!

Here is the link if you want to try it for yourself…Right Job/Wrong Job Quiz: www.web.tickle.com/tests/rightjob/index_main.jsp

While there are many sites that offer free career tests , quizzes , and assessments these sites generally use them as a lead in for you to purchase more materials from the site. However, you can still get a lot of useful information without buying anything. And some tests are actually totally free. Here is the link to a site that lists many different career related tests and quizzes...some of these are more fun in nature versus giving you any real substance, yet there are several other interesting and ones of substance hereas well: www.zcareer.com/freecareertests.html
