Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tips for job hunting in an unsteady economy

Although there continues to be some pretty dismal and negative news within our industry and others as well with continual news of lay offs, pending closings, etc., there are still many jobs out there that are open and waiting to be filled! As I always remind you all...if a recruiter in this industry remains to be be busy...things truly are not that bad. I remain to be busy - which is a great sign and underlying strength in our industry regardless of the downturn and recent chaos in the housing market!

Nonetheless, these are indeed different times and many of you have expressed concern and also frustration to me in your job search efforts. Here are some tips from an article I read recently on how to best go about your job search in an uncertain economy. Hope it helps some of you...enjoy and hope you all have a great day!

  • Experts recommend the following actions to increase your job-search success in an uncertain economic climate.

  • Tailor your presentations; don't be generic. "In developing a resume and other promotions materials, think about how your current skills and talents apply directly to the responsibilities you'll hold in the new job.

  • Create a target list of companies," says career coach Julie Jansen, author of "You Want Me to Work with Who?" She suggests sending the list to 25 people, asking them if they can put you in touch with an employee at one of the listed companies.

  • Make yourself and your skills more visible. Post and refreshing your resume in more places, such as online job boards, and going to job fairs.

  • "Create an advisory board of smart and empathetic people and confer with them regularly about your job search," says Jansen.

  • Hone and utilize your 'elevator pitch' as often as possible, referring to a 30-second summary of your professional assets.

  • Keep your spirits high. Don't let the process overwhelm you or weigh you down. Jansen advises, "Make a list of your five favorite things to do, and do them!"

  • Make an effort daily. "Do one thing each day -- like emailing a new contact or attending a networking event -- that moves your job search forward. Your worst enemy is inertia.