Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Follow Your Bliss

This is a great article that I received in an email newsletter...it is geared or written more towards recruiters...but the tips and advice truly are transitionable to any profession. As such, I took out much fo teh bulk of the article as it just listed real life examples that a recruiter experienced in trying to follow/find his bliss...but hope that some of the below will be of us or of interest to you.

"If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a track that has been there all the while, waiting for you. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in your field of bliss, and they open doors to you. Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls."

How to apply this to your desk or office:

  • 1. Follow your bliss when selecting the clients you'll work for.
  • 2. Follow your bliss when deciding what niche or sub niche to focus on.
  • 3. Follow your bliss when it comes to the parts of the recruiting (sales) process to focus on vs. the parts you'll outsource to others.
  • 4. Follow your bliss when it comes to the new projects, strategic alliances or business relationships to take on.
  • 5. Follow your bliss when deciding what terms you'll accept.
  • 6. Follow your bliss when setting goals and deciding how large or small your business should ought to be.
  • 7. Follow your bliss in regards to work/life balance and time off.