Saturday, August 2, 2008

Join me on Facebook!

Hi everyone!! I hope your summer is going well! Hard to believe how quickly it has flown by.

I have started to become more involved in different venues and resources in my recruitment focus and wanted to share with all of you what a possitive and powerful experience Facebook has been for me thus far. Not only is it completely addicting in reconnecting with old classmates or friends...but as you all know networking is the number one way to land that next dream job you are searching for! I have networked and tapped into so many amazing people thus far!

If you are already on Facebook or decide to join...please visit Prolyn's page at: (you will have to copy and paste the link!)

And also feel free to link into my personal profile that has both hints of my personal life (lots of pictures of my beautiful daughter) and also hints of Prolyn throughout as well! To link into my personal profile, you will have to send me an invite through Facebook asking me to be your friend (sounds funny I know!! - it is just Facebook terminology!) as with Facebook one of the benefits is having to approve anyone that wants to link into your profile.

Look forward to linking in with you all and helping you all find your dream jobs...or candidates for that next hard to fill search!