Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Welcome to the Windmill!

As recruiters specializing in the Building Materials Industry, speaking to hundreds of industry professionals on a weekly basis, we wanted to find a way to provide an easy and effective way to communicate and keep as many people within the industry we know and talk to informed on a more frequent basis. We will update our Blog posts frequently, on a weekly basis at a minimum with new jobs we are working on, questions or topics that may be of use and of interest to us all.

The name of our Blog - The Windmill - evolved simply from taking part of the word Windows and part of the word Millwork and combining them...fortunately it actually made a real word which certainly helped make some sense! Although since the actual word appears to have no relation to the Building Materials industry, we felt it warranted an explanation as to how we came up with the name. Please feel free to share your ideas, comments and suggestions with us on anything relating to the Building Materials Industry.

This Blog is an evolving work in progress for us and we will strive to make it as informative as possible to keep you all coming back to visit the site frequently.We take an immense amount of pride in serving both candidates and clients in the industry and look forward to helping all of you find your next dream job or perfect candidate for that hard to fill position!